Microendo Pest Control Products

Our line of pest control products includes bioinsecticides and biofungicides formulated from microorganisms. These products are designed to protect plants from specific pests and pathogens.

Bioinsecticides and biofungicides are biological products that use living microorganisms to control pests and diseases in plants. Unlike chemical pesticides, these products offer a safer and more sustainable alternative. The microorganisms present in bioinsecticides and biofungicides act specifically against pathogens and pests, ensuring that plants remain healthy without harming the environment or human health.

Our different products include:

InsectProtect Bacillus Thuringiensis: Protects against budworms. Specific for lepidopteran larvae.

InsectProtect Beauveria Bassiana: Protects against whiteflies, moths, and mealybugs.

InsectProtect Lecanicillum Lecanii: Protects against aphids and thrips.

InsectProtect Metarhizium Anisopliae: Protects against white grubs and beetles.

InsectProtect Paecylomyces Fumoroseus: Protects against spider mites and red mites

FungusProtect: Protects against anthracnose, botrytis, and sooty mold. It also protects against pathogenic fungi on leaves and fruits.

TricoProtect: Protects against root pathogenic fungi.

Each product is developed to target specific types of pests or diseases, ensuring effective protection without chemicals. By using natural microorganisms, environmental impact is minimized, and agricultural ecosystem biodiversity is promoted.



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