Microendo in the top 5 agricultural biotechnology startups

Microendo was selected to be in the top 5 agricultural biotechnology startups of StartUs Insights and represent Mexico in this list of startups. We honestly appreciate this choice because it is important for us to stand out in the agricultural world so that more people know the change that can be made by using our products.

Quoting StartUs Insights post:

“Mexican startup Microendo synthesizes personalized biofertilizers. Identify the microorganisms that live around or inside plants to create personalized organic fertilizers tailored to your needs. This improves plant health in addition to restoring the original microbiota of the crops. Furthermore, the use of original microbes in the process increases the immunity of the crops and reduces the need for other agrochemicals. The startup also offers AgaveProtect, a biofertilizer for Agave plants based on its own microbial population. “Farmers use this to protect their crops against bud rot and excess ethylene production that causes plant stress.”

The presence of a Mexican company in the top 5 agricultural biotechnology startups is a reason for pride and celebration. It not only demonstrates the country’s capacity for innovation, but also its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. We congratulate Microendo on their outstanding achievement and hope that they continue to inspire others to follow their example in the field of agricultural biotechnology.



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