A talk on microorganisms in agriculture was given to different engineers, producers and advisors form different companies, in order to provide more information on the use of microorganisms in the field.

The lecture ranged from how to differentiate bacteria and fungi, to the different types of microorganisms that live in the plant and soil, as well as the different applications in each stage of the plant, from nutrition and how nutrients are absorbed in the plant, also how to control different pests of insects or other pathogenic microorganisms.

They also talked about global warming and the importance of using microorganisms to sequester CO2 in the soil. Likewise, in the presentation, contributions were made on how to interpret an analysis of microorganisms and know how to evaluate which ones are beneficial and which are pathogenic. The talk ended with an explanation on the correct way to apply a microorganism in the field, from dilutions to microorganisms application implements.