An example of entrepreneurship and success in Jalisco
We have won second place in the prestigious contest for the Jalisco Entrepreneurship Award 2023, in the category of High Impact Entrepreneurship. The Jalisco Entrepreneurship Award is a key initiative in the promotion and inspiration of Jalisco entrepreneurs, in line with the Law for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship of the State of Jalisco. This event, […]
Un ejemplo de emprendimiento y éxito en Jalisco
Nos complace anunciar que Microendo ha obtenido el tercer lugar en la prestigiosa convocatoria del Premio Jalisco al Emprendimiento 2023, en la categoría de Emprendimiento de Alto Impacto. El Premio Jalisco al Emprendimiento es una iniciativa clave en el impulso y la inspiración a emprendedores jaliscienses, en línea con la Ley de Fomento al Emprendimiento […]
¡Microendo expande sus horizontes a Colombia en colaboración con Bioest!
Nos complace anunciar que Microendo ha firmado una licencia con Bioest, una empresa colombiana en el ámbito de la agricultura. Esta alianza estratégica marca el inicio de nuestras operaciones en Colombia, un paso significativo en nuestra misión de promover prácticas de agricultura sustentable en todo el mundo. La asociación con Bioest no solo nos permitirá […]
CRU Fertilizer AgriTech en Dallas
Cristóbal Fonseca, CEO of Microendo attended as a speaker at CRU Fertilizer AgriTech Forum event in September 2022, in Dallas, TX, dedicated to exploring the latest developments in the AgriTech space that are driving nutrient use efficiency and advancing sustainability and circular economy principles within the fertilizer industry. The CRU Fertilizer AgriTech Forum brought together established and emerging players […]
Microendo in the top 5 agricultural biotechnology startups Microendo was selected to be in the top 5 agricultural biotechnology startups of StartUs Insights and represent Mexico in this list of startups. We honestly appreciate this choice because it is important for us to stand out in the agricultural world so that more people know the […]
Cristóbal Fonseca CEO of Microendo received an invitation from the Department of Economics of the Nebraska to visit Nebraska to see the state, university facilities and attend to Husker Harvest Days; an event with a world-class space where farmers and ranchers gain priceless insights for their operations while make connections. Known as the world’s largest […]
Microbiota in plants
What is the Microbiota? The Microbiota are the communities of living microorganisms that inhabit another living being. A very close relationship is established between the two in which they generally benefit each other, but a neutral or even pathogenic relationship can also be established. In the case of plants, they are the communities of microorganisms […]
Circular economy
At Microendo we are a company with a circular economy, we are 100% committed to the planet and to reducing global warming. What is the circular economy? Circular economy is a system that seeks to take advantage of resources to reduce, recycle and reuse everything that is discarded and give it a second life. A […]
CRU Fertilizer AgriTech en Dallas
Cristóbal Fonseca, CEO de Microendo asistió como orador a un evento en CRU Fertilizer AgriTech Forum en septiembre de 2022, en Dallas, TX, dedicado a explorar los últimos desarrollos en el espacio AgriTech que están impulsando la eficiencia en el uso de nutrientes y promoviendo los principios de sostenibilidad y economía circular dentro de la […]
Microendo en el top 5 startups de biotecnología agrícola Microendo fue seleccionado para estar en el top 5 startups de biotecnología agrícola de StartUs Insights y representar a México en esta lista de startups. Agradecemos honradamente esta elección ya que para nosotros es importante sobresalir en el mundo agrícola para que más personas conozcan el cambio […]